Thursday 22 October 2009

Heat opening sequence

Heat is a another Crime-thriller, maybe my favourite type of thriller. It was directed by Michael Mann and stars Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, Val Kilmer, Jon Voight and Tom Sizemore. I chose this as I love the beginning, it is one of my favourite films. This film takes much longer than the other films to pick up the genre.

The film starts off with a train at night, the train is not at all threatening and the music is quite harmonious, so we can sit back on our seat, at least for now. When the train goes past you can just read 'Los Angeles' on the back. Robert De Niro departs the train at the station and leaves down the escalator. He enters a hospital in what looks to be a doctor's uniform, or at least a paramedic's uniform. De Niro gets into an ambulance and it cuts to Val Kilmer buying things from a warehouse. The camera then cuts to Al Pacino in wife with his bed, the director seems to be introducing all the main characters doing their own day-to-day things. Or maybe just showing off his amazing cast. The camera then cuts to two more characters in an artic lorry. Over 7 minutes have passed and nothing much has happened by now. No typical thriller conventions or noticeable stereotypical behaviour. Things finally start to materialise when we see De Niro again, he's talking on a walkie talie to the others. Non-diegetic music is now added to add excitement. About 11 minutes in all the characters in their different vehicles put hockey masks on and we finally know what's about to happen.

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